A woman’s chance of getting breast cancer is greater today than ever before. And this growing epidemic shows no signs of slowing down. Worse yet are the discouraging statistics on recovery rates which have not improved significantly in the last 45 years!

Why are we experiencing this breast cancer epidemic? While some cancers may arise from an inherited genetic defect (estimated at 5-10%), 90% - 95% arise from damage to the genetic material within normal cells. Genetic damage is a result of hormone imbalances, exposure to certain chemicals, and/or various forms of radiation. Our universe is filled with toxic chemicals which act like estrogens or what we call endocrine disrupters. These may constitute our greatest exposure risk. 

DISCLAIMER: Per the FDA, Thermography should not be used as the sole device to diagnose or screen for breast cancer or other conditions. Thermography should not be used in place of mammography and is only for use in addition to other diagnostic or screening devices. Use of thermography carries the risks of a delayed or missed diagnosis.

Why haven't recovery rates for breast cancer improved much in the last 40 years? The #1 diagnostic tool used in this country is Mammography. This technology, which has been around for 90 years, is able to detect the presence of a mass of a certain size or larger. What many people don't realize is that the average breast mass has been growing 8-10 years before it is large enough to be detected by Mammography. In order to improve recovery rates we need early breast cancer detection to find changes in breast tissue BEFORE they develop into masses large enough to be seen by mammography. This will allow for the earliest possible treatment and intervention -- and will significantly improve breast cancer statistics!

How do we detect changes in breast tissue BEFORE they develop into masses? Proper screening with Mammography. As an adjunct procedure, Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, also known as Breast Thermography can be used to detect changes in heat patterns produced from increased circulation around damaged, precancerous and cancerous cells. This effective diagnostic screening involves no radiation, no compression of breast tissue, and no pain. It is a fast, effective, and comfortable procedure. Why wait, call now to schedule your breast cancer screening or click on the appointment request.

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