DISCLAIMER: Per the FDA, Thermography should not be used as the sole device to diagnose or screen for breast cancer or other conditions. Thermography should not be used in place of mammography and is only for use in addition to other diagnostic or screening devices. Use of thermography carries the risks of a delayed or missed diagnosis.
Can detect the presence of a physical mass that has reached a certain size
Can detect the first signs that a cancer may be forming up to 10 years before a mass is formed and can be seen by mammography
Cannot differentiate between a benign mass and a cancerous mass*
Can differentiate between fibrocystic tissue changes and changes which involve cancer cells
Involves exposure to radiation which is cumulative in the body****
Involves no radiation, no pain, and requires no contact with the body
Cannot view areas just below the arm pit where many breast cancers begin
Views the entire area including the top of the breast below the arm pit
Mammography - Average 80% Sensitivity (20% of cancers missed), in women over age 50. Sensitivity drops to 60% (40% of cancers missed) in women under age 50. Mammography looks at the anatomical changes and structure of breast tissue. Thermography, used as an adjunct screening procedure, screens for changes in blood flow and breast tissue measuring variations in temperature which correlate to changes in the physical breast. This is the result of malignant changes causing heat output and increased circulation which the thermogram may detect.
* In the US, over 80% of breast biopsies, based on mammogram results, prove to be benign.
** Many experts are now questioning the detrimental effects from this cumulative radiation.
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